If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment with Rick, please text or call (407) 968-8055. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Megan, please text or call (407) 867-7908. If we are in session, we will get back with you as soon as possible. It is our goal to respond within an hour of receiving a voicemail or text.
You may also email us directly at rick@wintergardencounselor.com or megan@wintergardencounselor.com with any questions. However, please monitor your SPAM box in case our reply gets redirected there. This is especially true when you use the contact form below to send us a message.
Our office address is:
310 S. Dillard St.
Suite #170
Winter Garden, FL 34787
We have a spacious, comfortable office suite that you will feel right at home in. We look forward to meeting you there soon.
Rick: (407) 968-8055
Megan: (407) 867-7908
310. S. Dillard St. Suite 170